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Shipping Addresses

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Drake University Building Addresses

Drake University has a Postal Operations office for sorting and delivering the majority of faculty and staff mail.  All student mail is delivered their individual Residence Hall.   It is helpful if mail to either group is addressed to the specific person, and to specify the building and/or department where the mail should be delivered. The department and office addresses for most buildings are listed below.

Packages from UPS or FedEx should be sent using the actual building address so drivers know where on campus the recipient is located – Drake Postal Operations does not need to handle UPS/FedEx packages, and they are delivered faster if addressed correctly.

If you have any questions on how to address your package, please feel free to contact  


Agora (Kragie Newell)
2830 Forest Avenue

Aliber Hall
2847 University Avenue

Alumni House
2700 University Avenue

Black Cultural Center
1149 28th Street

Bell Center
1421 27th Street

Carnegie Hall
2511 University Avenue

Carpenter Residence Hall
2900 Forest Avenue

Cartwright Hall
2608 Forest Avenue

1155 28th Street

Central Heating
2610 Carpenter Avenue

Cline Hall of Pharmacy and Science
2802 Forest Avenue

Cole Hall
2509 University Avenue

Collier-Scripps Hall
2702 Forest Avenue

Community Engagement
Cowles Library, 2725 University Avenue

Continuing Education & Professional Development
2702 Forest Avenue

Cowles Library
2725 University Avenue

Crawford Residence Hall
1333 30th Street

Dial Center
2407 Carpenter Avenue

Drake International
Cowles Library, 2725 University Avenue

Drake Municipal Observatory
4898 Observatory Road

Drake Online
2505 University Avenue

Drake West Village
1325 31st Street

Education, School of
2702 Forest Avenue

Engineering Office
1428 27th Street

Facility Services
1422 27th Street

2701 Forest Avenue

Fitch Hall
2720 Forest Avenue

Forest Avenue Heating
2817 Forest Avenue

Goodwin-Kirk Residence Hall
1215 30th Street

Harvey Ingham Hall
2804 Forest Avenue

Harmon Fine Arts Center
1310 25th Street

Head Start
3800 Merle Hay Road, Suite 323

Health Center (American Republic)
3116 Carpenter Avenue

Heating Plant
2610 Carpenter Avenue

Herriott Residence Hall
2842 Forest Avenue

La Casa Cultural Center
1151 28th Street

Howard Hall
2505 University Avenue

Hubbell Dining Hall
1315 30th Street

Human Resources
2507 University Avenue

By Degrees Foundation (formally known as I Have a Dream Foundation)
PO Box 41070, Des Moines, IA 50311

Jewett Residence Hall
2700 Forest Avenue

Kinne Alumni and Development Center
2403 University Avenue

Knapp Center
2525 Forest Avenue

Legal Clinic (Neal and Bea Smith Law Center)
2400 University Avenue

Medbury Hall/Scott Chapel
2730 Forest Avenue

Meredith Hall
2805 University Avenue

Morehouse Residence Hall
2803 University Avenue

Observatory (Drake Municipal)
4898 Observatory Road

Old Main
2507 University Avenue

Olin Hall
2708 Forest Avenue

Olmsted Center
2875 University Avenue

Opperman Hall and Law Library
2604 Forest Avenue

Paper Storage
1153 24th Street

Pharmacy, College of
2802 Forest Avenue

Post Office (Drake)
2875 University Avenue, Lower Level

President’s House
227 37th Street

Public Safety
Ross Hall, 1214 31st Street

OLLI at Drake (formerly The RaySociety)
2700 University Avenue

Robert Ray Center
2702 Forest Avenue

Ross Residence Hall
1214 31st Street

Science Connector Building
2714 Forest Avenue

Sheslow Auditorium, Old Main
2507 University Avenue

Soccer Field
2515 Clark Street

Softball Complex
1500 27th Street

2719 Forest Avenue

Stalnaker Residence Hall
1319 30th Street

Studio Arts Hall
2829 Forest Avenue

Tennis Center
2525 Clark Street

Ticket Office (Athletics)
Knapp Center, 2601 Forest Avenue

Ticket Office (Fine Arts)
Harmon Fine Arts Center, 1310 25th St.

3301 Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway

Vote Smart
1151 24th Street